Pain Free in 30 Days with Gua sha
This 30-day journey will give you the tools you need to combat autoimmune diseases, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, and other illnesses - all from the comfort of your home!
Why Gua Sha works
Recommended Tools
Warming Techiniques
Contraindications/ Scraping Technique/ Post Gua Sha care
Gua Sha Calendar - PDF
Gua Sha Calendar - Interactive Online
Online Community Private Link
Gua sha for the Forearms and Hands/ Forearm stretching
Gua Sha for the Upper Leg / Stretches for Hamstrings, Quads, Hips, Psoas
Gua Sha for the Chest & Upper Arms / Stretches for Chest, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Gua Sha for Lower Leg and Feet / Stretches for Calves, Ankles, and Feet
Gua sha for the Neck, Stretches for the Neck and Upper Back
Gua Sha for the Face
Gua Sha for the Side Body, Lower Back & Glutes, Stretches for Lower Back, Hips, Glutes, Lats
Gua Sha demo for partner on upper back
Lacrosse Ball upper back release
Stretch and strengthen inner thighs to help lower back pain
2 Minute Reset - Core Strength/ Stretch/ Wrist Strength
Before you go...
More 2 Minute Resets